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Time stood still


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Niemal z definicji wynika, że film z MADONNĄ w obsadzie nie może być wielkim wydarzeniem. Nie znaczy to jednak, że artystycznych walorów musi być pozbawiona również ścieżka muzyczna do obrazu Johna Schlesingera - zwłaszcza, gdy pani Ciccione dorzuciła do niego swoje trzy, a właściwie dwa grosze. Proponujemy z filmu The Next Best Thing nostalgiczny kawałek TIME STOOD STILL. Polecamy! --------------------------------------------------- Almost by definition results that the films with MADONNA in the cast cannot be a great event. Does not mark this but that artistic values must be devoid also the musical track to the picture of John Schlesinger - especially, when Mrs. Ciccione added to him its own three, and properly two cents. We propose from the films The Next Best Thing the nostalgic song TIME STOOD STILL. We recommend! You made me laugh, you gave me hope It's over now Our happiness went up in smoke It's over now

Fragment tekstu:
(Composed By: Madonna / William Orbit)

Despair, regret, and tenderness
Is what I feel for you
I loved you from the very start
What else could I do

You read my mind, you made me cry
Time stood still
And now I know the reasons why
Time stood still

Maybe you're the next best thing to happen
All the things we might have been

A flame becomes a fading light
That burns inside my heart
And like a castle in the sand
It had to fall apart

You made me lau...

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