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V.I.P. (Sebastian Wolter Original Radio Version)

Shaun Baker

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Proponujemy jeszcze jeden kawałek anglojęzyczny - tegoroczny numer projektu SHAUN BAKER w oryginalnej wersji radiowej Sebastiana Woltera, kompozytora V.I.P. Polecamy! Potuptać można! ----------------------------------------- We propose another one the anglophone song - the this year′s number of the project SHAUN BAKER in the original radio-version of Sebastian Wolter, the composer V.I.P. We recommend! Can to go pit-a-pat! "Everybody's free, to be a V.I.P. everybody's important to someone. People in your life, lovers husbands wifes, everybody's special to your life..."

Fragment tekstu:
V.I.P. (Sebastian Wolter Original Radio Version) - Shaun Baker
(Composed By: Shaun Baker / Sebastian Wolter)

Everybody's free, to be a V.I.P.
everybody's important to someone.
V.I.P.'s is what we are, you and me are superstars
Everybody is important to this world.

People everywhere, no matter who you are,
We're V.I.P.s and everybody counts.

Children to parents, love V.I.P.s,
brothers so sisters, love V.I.P.s,
fathers so mothers, love V.I.P.s,
all must to love us, love V.I.P.s,

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