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Handle with care

The Traveling Wilburys

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Przypominamy dziś jeden z największych przebojów supergrupy TRAVELING WILBURYS założonej przez George'a Harrisona i Jeffa Lynne'a, która istniała w latach 1988-1990. Obecnie żyje już tylko 3 członków zespołu. W grudniu 1988 r., wkrótce po ukazaniu się pierwszego albumu, Roy Orbison zmarł na atak serca. W listopadzie roku 2001 zmarł George Harrison. Przyczyną jego śmierci był nowotwór płuc. Na koncercie poświęconym pamięci Harrisona, "Concert for George" (2002), Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne oraz syn George, Dhani, zaśpiewali piosenkę Wilburys - "Handle with Care", co stanowiło pierwsze publiczne wykonanie tego utworu. Oto HANDLE WITH CARE - polecamy! ------------------------------------------------------------ We remind today one of greatest hits of the supergroup TRAVELING WILBURYS of established by Georg Harrison and Jeff Lynne which existed in years 1988-1990. Actually lives only 3 musicians of the band. In December 1988, soon after the appearance of the first album, Roy Orbison died on the heart attack. In November of the year 2001 died George Harrison. A cause of his death was the neoplasm of lungs. On the concert to the memory Harrison, "Concert for George" (2002), Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne and the son George, Dhani, sang the song Wilburys - TRADES WITH CARE. There was this first public realization of this composition. Here TRADES WITH CARE - we recommend! "I'm so tired of being lonely I still have some love to give Wont you show me that you really care Everybodys got somebody to lean on Put your body next to mine, and dream on..."

Fragment tekstu:
HANDLE WITH CARE - The Traveling Wilburys
(Composed By: Bob Dylan/George Harrison/Jeff Lynne/Roy Orbison/Tom Petty)

Been beat up and battered round
Been sent up, and I've been shot down
You're the best thing that I've ever found
Handle me with care

Reputations changeable
Situations tolerable
O, baby, you're adorable
Handle me with care

I'm so tired of being lonely
I still have some love to give
Wont you show me that you really care
Everybodys got somebody to lean on
Put your ...

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