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My music


mp3 midi kup smsem kupuję

Numer MY MUSIC Sistars nagrali z myślą o możliwym rozwoju kariery w skali europejskiej, a może nawet światowej - dlatego w języku angielskim. Jednocześnie jest to pierwszy singiel zapowiadający ich kolejną płytę: "Boy! Now it came to me (shame on me) I was blind, but now I see This music is so much bigger than me, growing still through the centuries Oh, didn't know how to do my thang, I didn't know how to handle this game..."

Fragment tekstu:
MY MUSIC - Sistars

Let me tell 'about my best friend }
Let me tell you all               }   /  x 3.
Let me tell 'about my best friend

My Music (set me free, filled me)       }
My Music (moved my brain, fulfilled me) }   /  x 2.

We met each other long time ago,
When I was about'a 3 years old, yeah.
That time we struck up a blood decree,
that none of us is gonna leave the other.
She told me to listen to my heart,
so I could find my source, my pride, yeah.
She never betra...

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