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Hey Mambo

Max Greger

mp3 midi kup smsem kupuję

Nadal jesteśmy w gorączce rytmów latynoskich. I nadal w kręgu HEY, MAMBO. Tu proponujemy wersję bardziej instrumentalną, gdzie zwrotki, to popis saksofonu, natomiast refreny chóralnie śpiewane w rytmie ognistego mamba. ----------------------------------------- We are in fever of Latin rhythms still. And still in circle HEY, MAMBO. We propose the instrumental version here, where the stanza, then the show of saxophone, however the refrains are the sung in chorus in rhythm fiery mamba: "Hey Mambo Did your mama teach you that Hey Mambo Did she know what she begat..."

Fragment tekstu:
HEY MAMBO - Max Greger
(Composed By: Jack Feldman/Tom Kelly/Barry Manilow/Bruce Sussman)

/ INTRO instrumental /

 / sax melody /

Hey Mambo
Did your mama teach you that
Hey Mambo
Did she know what she begat

 / sax melody /

Hey Mambo. . .   etc.

Hooo! Take it away
prrrrrrrrrr ahahahah!

 / interlude instrumental /

Hey Mambo. . .   etc.

Take it away! Qualcuno
Do it again! Aaaaaaaaaah!

Hey Mambo [bom boriba riba]
Hey Mambo [bom boriba riba]

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